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Why Is the Sunshine Coast a Safe Bet?

We have the pleasure of being exposed to many different opinions on how the Sunshine Coast market is performing, both now and in future. Valuers, leading economists, buyers, sellers and other real estate agents are some of the sources we regularly speak with and it gives us a wonderful opportunity to gain a broad perspective on how everybody feels our market is going.
Most are saying we are strong now and well geared for the future. It’s hard not to agree with some of the key developments listed below underpinning a strong future. I think you’ll agree, when you see an abundance of cranes in the sky (developments), it’s a sure sign that people with money are happy to invest.
The sentiment amoungst most is the Sunshine Coast has another 12 – 18 months of solid performance and like every market, there will be a correction but when the next upswing begins good luck trying to buy a home on the Sunshine Coast.
Listed below are some of the reasons why:
SunCentral – The Sunshine Coast is yearning for a focal point. Somewhere we can point to and say, “that’s the Sunshine Coast CBD”, has been missing. The new development, which will see it’s first building begin construction next year, will be something everybody should be proud of.
Considered one of the smartest CBD developments and also one of Australia’s biggest CBD developments, it’s inclusion will offer all a wonderful mix of business and pleasure.
Click here to discover more.
Airport expansion – Currently our airport supports limited aircraft. As such, the flight times and locations are restrictive for both inbound and outbound travellers.
The expansion has already commenced and it’s completion in 2020 will provide the Sunshine Coast with better connectivity to the rest of the world allowing more visitors to also enjoy our wonderful environment.
Click here to discover more.
International Broadband Cable – Did you know there are only 5 locations where broadband enters Australia? Sydney has 4 and Perth has 1. Imagine what would happen if Sydney broke away to become it’s own country?
The business opportunities this technology would bring to the Sunshine Coast has the council boasting $453 million to the Sunshine Coast local economy
Click here to discover more.
It isn’t hard to see why confidence is high around the Sunshine Coast at present.This is only the tip of the iceberg, there are many more positive developments in the pipeline, the Sunshine Plaza upgrade, Kawana Hospital Precinct and direct link road upgrades, just to name a few. The market is now a dynamic environment, keeping pace with the energetic levels of development in our region.  We are catching up to our larger CBD neighbours, making it an exciting time to call the Sunshine Coast home.
Source: Jason Mills Property Team
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