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Renters: Responsibilities During A Tenancy

By Property Management

Getting ready to rent your first property? Renting again after a few years of being out of the rental market? Here is a refresher course on factors you will need to keep track of during a tenancy.

Your Responsibilities

  • Carpets: It is the tenant’s responsibility to take reasonable care of any existing carpets. Carpets need to be professionally cleaned prior to vacating the property.
  • Electricity, gas and telephone: Phone, power and gas (if required) are the responsibility of the tenant. All final accounts need to be settled at the end of the tenancy.
  • Keys: Tenants are required to take care of the keys supplied. Duplicate copies are kept at our office in case of emergency. All keys are to be returned at the end of the tenancy.
  • Insurance: Living in Queensland we are often faced with frequent weather changes and we recommend all tenants take out contents insurance to protect their belongings.
  • Mail redirection: Before vacating the rental property, please don’t forget to redirect your mail. Visit Australia Post for more information on how to redirect mail. Please ensure you allow enough time for your mail redirection service to start. Download a mail redirection form here before vacating.
  • Payment of rent and rental bond: At the start of a tenancy a rental bond is required and lodged with the Residential Tenancy Authority (RTA). Bond is returned in full to the tenant at the end of the tenancy, providing there is no damage or undue wear and tear to the property. Meanwhile, the first rent payment is made two weeks in advance. Future payments are to be made at the agreed regular intervals (weekly or fortnightly).
  • Pets: Unless agreed to by the owner, pets are strictly forbidden. This is essential to protecting the property from damage and ensuring the tenant’s rental bond is returned in full.

For more information please to download the RTA’s Pocket Guide For Tenants Form 17a.

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