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Ray White Bike Winners Are Grinners

The 2nd Annual 7 Sunshine Coast Marathon was held over the weekend of the 24-25th August, with a number of our staff involved in both volunteering and competing. Special mentions must go to those that were involved over both days.

We had staff registered in the 5km, 10km and 21.1km categories and some very vocal supporters on the sidelines. The marathon announcer certainly noticed our team, with commentary often going to the ‘noisy Ray White crew.’

As always, an event is only as good as its volunteers and the Sunshine Coast Marathon had no shortage of willing helpers.

This year our group of offices chose to sponsor the volunteers, with an army of more than 400 people from a range of local Sunshine Coast community groups giving up their time to help the event run as smoothly as it did.

This year our offices also ran a Ray White_Know How competition, with two yellow beach cruisers up for grabs for both a lucky competitor and volunteer.

It is our pleasure to announce the winners of our Ray White bikes, with 16 year old Brianna Massie winning the competitor bike and Kaylenne Byrne winning the volunteer bike.

Congratulations to all for smiling, cheering and encouraging everyone from start to finish, helping to raise much needed funds for the Ronald McDonald House. We can’t wait to be involved again next year.

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