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Queensland Housing Finance Moving From Strength to Strength

AUSTRALIAN Bureau of Statistics have released findings that an increasing number of Queenslanders are being approved for home finance. For the sixth month in a row the number of Queenslanders approved to buy their own home has grown.

Queensland also recorded the strongest growth in housing finance of all states and territories.

Treasurer Curtis Pitt was buoyed by these new figures, “It is an encouraging sign for the state’s property market but is also more hard evidence that confidence in Queensland’s economy is continuing to strengthen.”

Ray White Maroochydore director, Dan Sowden, said “We are seeing a general business confidence about our local economy and the future of the Sunshine Coast as a whole.”

“With unprecedented development occurring on the Sunshine Coast, our first quarter of 2016 has been the strongest we have seen in the present market.”

“Our market has started 2016 as quickly as it finished 2015. With some of the best property now coming to the market and buyer inspections peaking, we expect another strong quarter of sales growth to come.”

“Homeowners are again leading the way when it comes to buying property. Whilst investors are still active, they are reluctant to outbid or out offer an owner occupier who is willing to pay a larger premium for the property” said Mr Sowden.

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