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Prepping Your Property in Case of a Storm

Is your property storm ready?
With the sun out in full force this summer, it’s hard to imagine how things can change, the blue skies replaced by thunder clouds and winds howling at devastating power. However, as glorious as the weather usually is here, we are still prone to the rare storm.

Being ready for those strong winds
While destructive tropical cyclones may be a rare occurrence, the Queensland government advises that local residents don’t leave preparations too late and put extra stress on the State Emergency Service. This involves preparing an evacuation plan, as well as knowing where you can check for warnings. In addition, you need to know where to turn off your water, power and gas in the event of a storm. Keeping your home and contents insurance is up to date is also a good idea along with preparing an emergency kit ready in the unlikely event of a severe storm.

How can I storm proof my home?
A little general maintenance at your home and/or investment can go a long way. Address loose tiles on your roof, and clear out gutters and pipes so that water can drain as effectively as possible. In addition, it’s a good idea to secure garden furniture that could be blown around in high winds. If you live in a flood-prone area, consider swapping out any carpets, and relocating mains electrical outlets to well above floor level. Have your trees inspected on a regular basis, to ensure they are structurally sound. Some trees are more vulnerable to storm damage than others, so it’s worthwhile getting a professional to take a closer look.

While you would hope you don’t experience a serious storm event, it never hurts to be prepared. You can visit Get Ready Queensland’s website for more storm prep information.

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