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Mould Matters

Recent severe weather events on the Sunshine Coast are now placing an even greater pressure on the issues of mould management. As a result we had Grant from Essential Shield Mould Management offer the following advice.

Mould is not only an unwelcome and unpleasant guest in any living environment; it has also recently been recognised as a serious health issue.

Mould is now rated by authorities as a Haz 1, this is the same rating as asbestos. It has been proven to have a serious and broad ranging impact on human health and well being.

This has caused the Rental Tenancies Authorities throughout Australia to deal with the management and containment of mould within rental properties very seriously.

The complexities of managing the outbreak of mould in tenanted premises can become a difficult issue both for the property manager and their property investors.

  • The issues that are raised around the causes and responsibility for dealing with a mould infestation in a rental premises can rapidly escalate into a drawn out and at the end of the day costly matter for property investors.

  • Tenants are now, more than ever, opposing the use of harsh, health threatening toxic chemicals within their living environments, leaving property managers scrambling to find alternative and effective, yet affordable solutions.

We are pleased to offer the following for your consideration:

  • Have an annual check up undertaken on roofing, gutters and the functioning of down pipes. Overflowing gutters cause many mould outbreaks within roof voids and walls.

  • If drainage issues causing water ingress into the property or water leaks are identified and reported by your property manager have them addressed immediately.

  • Ensure all bathrooms have adequate exhaust fans installed.

Having mould removed safely and naturally:

Essential Shield offers a total spectrum mould removal service using their 100% natural products. These products are powered by five essential oils and coconut. This product is proven to kill and remove the entire spectrum of mould species and then establish a micro fine defensive layer on all treated surfaces and assists in retarding the return of mould.

Our work practices enable tenants to safely remain in the premises during the mould removal works and we create minimal disturbance to tenants. The work practices involve no interior spraying of product.

For more information go to or call us on 0411 750 250.

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