If you think Big Brother is watching your every move, he probably is, according to a leading online researcher, with Australia leading the world in social media engagement. About 1.3 billion or 74% of the world’s internet surfers visit social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, sites that often publicly reveal peoples locations, activities and opinions.
The Nielsen Company’s inaugural Asia Pacific social media report analysed how often internet users – from Australia, Korea, Japan, Indonesia and China – visit social media sites. The 74% of the world’s population who use social networking or blog sites spend an average of six hours a month doing so.
The report also found that social networking sites You-Tube, Wikipedia and Facebook are three of the top seven online brands that people visit. In Australia alone, just under 10 million individual visitors access Facebook. “It’s user growth is nothing short of staggering,” the chief executive of Nielsen Online Japan, Charles Buchwalter, told a forum broadcast live via the internet. “Australia has grown the most over the last 12 months”.
“Australia leads the world in social media engagement, with the highest global average for time spent per month engaging with social media averaging over seven hours per month.” And although Facebook is leading the pack in popularity, experts predict Twitter will soon outrank it. – AAP
Source: The Sunshine Coast Daily