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Kiwis Keen to Continue to Cross the Ditch

Direct flights with Air New Zealand, between New Zealand and the Sunshine Coast,  have begun for a second term as of 18th June, 2013.

This international offering has proved to be popular with Kiwis and Coast locals alike, with the announcement this season would be extended to a 17 week total period , running until  October 13 2013.

Flights will run two days a week, Tuesday and Sundays, to and from Auckland. These services come as a result of the alliance between Air New Zealand and Virgin Australia.

An extra 3000 seats will be available for New Zealand tourists to visit the Sunshine Coast, while locals will be able to enjoy a winter skiing trip to New Zealand or a seamless connection to the domestic and international networks offered by both airlines.

The flight traffic is expected to significantly boost Winter tourism figures for the Sunshine Coast. The Sunshine Coast Daily reported 60,000 Kiwis chose a Coast holiday over the past 12 months, injecting $14.5 million into the local economy.

This increased flight schedule is a positive addition to the ongoing growth of the Sunshine Coast airport precinct, and the tourism sector in general. The reported long-term goal is to provide year-round flights.

Flights are available now at and

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