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How To Remove And Prevent Mould Naturally

By Property Management

Toxic Mould Prevention

The most important consideration in toxic mould prevention is that fungi and mould need a moist, wet, or damp environment in order to thrive. By maintaining a clean, dry home or workplace, dangerous mould species cannot grow.

There is no need to expose yourself to harsh, health threatening chemicals when dealing with mould. Essential Shield is a Sunshine Coast owned and operated business that specialises in totally natural mould removal products and services. They have provided us with detailed information on how to remove and prevent mould in your home naturally.

How to deal with mould on almost any surface or item in your home

It’s important to be aware that bleach and vinegar based products do not kill mould.

Undertaking mould removal within the home using of toxic chemicals can be as harmful to your health as the toxic mould its self. Essential Shield products are powered by five therapeutic grade essential oils, these are: Cinnamon, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lemon and Clove. This blend of essential oils are carried in a coconut surfactant, this does the mould removal. Essential Shield invented this product and produce it on the Sunshine Coast.

Mould removal is achieved without the use of any bleaches or toxic chemicals within rental premises. Essential Shield employ their own products that are powered by a specific blend of five essential oils & a pure coconut surfactant / cleaner, Mr Mould.

Essential Shield naturally remove mould from all targeted surfaces leaving behind a micro fine, non visible defensive coating that retards the return of mould long term. Odours are totally removed within treatment zones.

Mr Mould is a 100% Natural Mould Removal product that delivers ongoing, long life, mould & mildew surface defense. The product is water based & powered by  the Essential Shield Oil blend & a Natural Coconut  surfactant.

Contains therapeutic grade essential oils of: Lemon, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Rosemary and Clove.

For totally natural, non toxic and chlorine / bleach free, mould & mildew removal. Ideal for almost all interior and exterior surfaces. Supplied in a heavy duty strength to remediate and remove even the harshest levels of toxic mould’s.  Leaves a micro fine layer of essential oils encapsulated in coconut that defends against the return of mould, mildew and algae long term.

Mr. Mould is a naturally based mould and mildew surface cleaner and treatment. The product is powered by pure coconut surfactant and five pure essential oils. The product delivers a powerful mould and mildew cleaning and sanitation action on almost all surfaces with out exposing you to harsh toxic chemicals. It leaves behind a micro fine layer that acts as an ongoing defensive measure against future mould and mildew ingress on treated surfaces. The product also acts as a powerful deodoriser!

This product does not deliver a bleaching action. Where mould has permanently stained or damages coated / painted surfaces always repaint denigrated surfaces to regain premium surface protection and appearance. Treated surfaces can be painted over once totally dry.

Mr Mould can be used on – INTERNAL SURFACES Walls, Ceilings, Wood Work, Hard Surface Floors, Tiles / ceramic fittings and fixtures, Glass surfaces, Spot Cleaning Carpets / Fabrics, Soft Furnishings – Out Door Furniture, Exterior Surfaces & clothing & fabrics.

Does Essential Shield’s treatment actually kill & remove the mould?

The answer is “YES” Essential Shield’s specific blend of essential oils rapidly effect a 100% remediation on the entire spectrum of toxic mould. There are many university testing reports on this specific blend of essential oils out there that fully support the results of this specific report, this is the basis on which they created their formulation.

They also specialise in removing mould from blinds naturally.

How much does it cost?

Essential Shield endeavours to keep their service fees as affordable as possible for their clients. Once they have an idea of your specific needs they will be able to immediately provide you with an accurate idea of the costs of service. Theyprovide no charge quotations!

Does Essential Shield seek out what is causing the mould?

A vital part of their service is to carefully assess and advise you as to what is actually causing the mould infestation.  As part of their onsite service, they provide advice as to the appropriate measures that should be taken, outside the scope of their service capacities to remedy the causes of mould.

How are air borne mould spawns dealt with?

You may already be aware that essential oils are commonly diffused using essential oils burners and diffusers, once they apply their essential oil based mould treatments onto the surfaces within your home, these surfaces actually then act as essential oil diffusers in their own right. This vapor then rapidly deals with the air born toxic mould. This vapor phase activity also acts as a brilliant deodoriser, removing that unpleasant musty mould and mildew odour. Essential Shield also offer a range of innovative products that enable you to maintain this level of protection against air born mould! To view their product list click here!

What surfaces & locations throughout a premises can be dealt with?

Essential Shield’s services address internal ceilings, walls fixtures and fittings, floor coverings and rugs, furniture and curtains (please note, they do not offer curtain washing and laundering, only the application of mould remediation treatments). They also deal with all external building surfaces, drive ways and paths, garden retaining walls and so on.

INTERNAL ROOF VOIDS – In many cases mould found on ceilings is due to water ingress into the roof void, this is normally due to a failure in guttering or roofing or a pipe leak. In some cases internal roof voids condensate during evening hours, as the day sets in this condensation finds it way down onto ceiling surfaces. A good sign that this is happening is when mould ingress is found around the edges of ceiling surfaces.

In such circumstances they usually recommend that the internal roof void be fogged with the Essential Shield fogging treatment. This remediates both the mould on the roof void surfaces and air borne  mould. A service can be tailored to deal with almost any mould treatment, removal and ongoing defence requirement you may have.

Do you have to move out of the home while we are working?

No, the treatments they employ present no dangers to you or your family. The manner in which they apply their products does not, in most cases, require product spraying in side the home and as such they do not need to tarp up or have furniture moved out. They create minimal disruption in the home!

How long does your mould treatments last?

The Essential Shield surface treatment leaves a totally natural, coconut based, micro fine, non visible, moisture retardant coating on the treated surfaces. This micro fine defensive coating assists in retarding the return of mould. As to how long the Essential Shield treatments will last, this is as variable as the wide diversity of properties, the environments they are located in and their current and on going state of repair!  In short, they have properties that they have treated well over 12 months ago with no return of the mould. The bottom line is that they fully back our work and products. If there is a “reasonably based”  issue with the works they have undertaken for a client within the first 6 months they will return and deal with it.

Their warranty “does not cover” future premise flooding or water ingress into the property caused by either severe weather events or premise faults. It also does not cover curtains, soft furnishing, carpets or personal possessions!

Will the products damage the plants or lawns on my property?

The answer is NO they have never experienced any adverse effects on lawns. The ingredient’s in the products pose no threat of run off to natural water ways. Another important question they get from time to time is the products potential impact on enviro based -sewage systems. To date they have not experienced any adverse impacts on these systems, but if you do have such a system, they will elect to alter our works procedures to ensure that residual product is not directly imposed on such systems to start with.

What can we do to further defend against future mould?

As part of their service they provide you with a range of written recommendations on how to effectively contain the return of mould & mildew. As part of these on going mould management initiatives, they are able to offer you a range of naturally based products to assist with dealing with on going mould management in your home.

Finding the locations of mould:

Mould lives in dark and moist environments. Do a complete check of your home / work place to identify locations where mould is present. This can be done visually and by using you reliable sense of smell. In the cases where high levels of mould are present always wear gloves, a protective breathing mask and eye protection. Always wash your hands and protective equipment thoroughly after inspecting for mould or undertaking mould removal activities. Remember, mould does not have to be visible to impact on your health. If you can smell it (that musty smell)then you are breathing it in!

Finding the causes of mould:

In most cases mould ingress is caused by either water or moisture ingress into the premises, or poorly ventilated rooms / zones. The objective here is to identify what is actually causing the mould ingress and then rectify it.

Roofing / Gutter / Down Pipe damage / blockages: If you have mould on internal ceiling or upper wall surfaces this is usually either a failure in the roofing or gutters / down pipes. A good way to identify cracks and failures in roofing is, where you are able, pop your head up through the ceiling man hole during the day time and inspect the interior roofing. If you can see day light coming in through the roofing then these locations need to be repaired. Inspect gutters and down pipes and ensure that they are in a good state of repair and free of leaves and waste matter and functioning properly.

A good indicator that gutters and down pipes need attention is when heavy rain is experienced and the gutters over flow. If this is the case clean gutters out and have the down pipes checked and cleared as needed. A simple way to check the function of down pipes is to place a running hose down the down pipe, if it fills up then you need to have it unblocked.

Another common cause of water getting into roof voids is the roofing screws seals / washers being perished. If you have random mould spotting on ceilings this can be caused by the failure of these screw seals. Replace roofing screws.

Plumbing leaks: If you discover mould in a specific location you will find moisture on the surface. In many cases this is caused by a water pipe leak. Such leaks need to be repaired. A common example of this is mould appearing on the walls on the other side of showers.

Poor property drainage: Check to see if you have locations on the ground around the walls or under the home that are remaining unusually damp or are suffering water ponding. This is a good indication that the properties drainage needs attention.

Poor ventilation: Poor ventilation / air flow is a common cause of mould ingress. An excellent example of this is bathrooms and walk in wardrobes. Where mould is present take measures such as installing  extraction fans or additional venting to improve air flow in such locations.

Personal Protection: From here on in you should take several personal health protection measures. Whilst you have been living with the mould up until now, the game changes some what when you start disturbing / removing the mould spawns, so it is a really good idea to protect your self by wearing; Gloves, Breathing Mask, and Protective Eye Goggles when you are actually doing the mould removal works. As mentioned before, always wash your hands really well when you have finished mould removal works, change and launder clothes that you wore during the work period!

Cleaning mould from surfaces: Removing mould at the best of times is not a pleasant task, but adding the additional threats associated with the use and exposure to toxic chemicals can significantly increase the threat to maintaining our health and well being.

The Essential Shield Mr Mould product offers a 100% natural alternative to the traditional chemically based mould and mildew cleaners.  Mr Mould is water based, it contains the five essential oils that are in the Essential Shield oil blend (Cinnamon, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lemon and Clove),and a naturally based Coconut surfactant that does the cleaning.

The coconut surfactant is that natural that it is used in many of the naturally based baby hair shampoos!

This remarkable product not only remediates (kills) the mould and mildew and cleans it from the surface, it also leaves behind a micro fine – non visible treatment on the surfaces that actually retards the return of mould and mildew.

If you are planning on re-painting after you have removed the mould, the residual Mr Mould product does not effect the re-painting such surfaces. Always allow the product to completely dry before commencing painting. 

Step by step advice on how to remove mould naturally

Essential Shield strongly suggest that you use new micro fiber mops and or cloths. These are brilliant in that they take off the mould and grime and do not release it back onto the surface.

Removing mould from internally located hard surfaces – Ceilings, walls:

DO NOT spray the Mr. Mould directly onto walls or ceilings, actually apply it to the cleaning cloth or mop and then commence cleaning the targeted surfaces. With heavy soiling of the surface it is a good idea to apply the Mr Mould evenly over the surface and then leave it for several minutes to do its work before removing it, can save you a great deal of muscle power! Usually two passes with the cloth or mop over the surface is enough to remove the mould and clean the surface. Change / rinse cloths regularly in water as they soil up. In the case where you have a bio system its a great idea to rinse cleaning cloths and mops in a bucket and then empty it out side onto the lawn or garden.

Doors, window frames:Using micro fiber cloths, apply the Mr Mould onto the cloth and then clean surfaces, again do not spray surfaces directly.

Glass / Windows: Glass can also have mould growing on it and where it is present it is important to remove it. To remove mould from glass, take the Mr Mould product and dilute it at a ratio of one part product and 9 parts water. Using a micro fiber cloth clean glass down and then finish / polish with a “dry” micro fiber cloth.

Finished timber surfaces:Mr Mould is ideal for removing mould from timber, however due to the wide variant of timber finishes on the market, it is very important to do a trial patch on an inconspicuous surface to ensure that there is not going to be an adverse reaction between the product.

Use the same method of cleaning as detailed for the doors, window frames.

Should you require further information or feel that the task of mould removal is something you can not deal with feel free to contact Natural Essential Shield for a complete Mould Removal Service.

Reference: Natural Essential Shield for more information please visit

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