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Dan Sowden Shares Who Will Be The Winners in 2016

With the excitement of tinsel, turkey and trifle all but a distant memory, we are already well into 2016 and the opinions are out about what our property 2016 Property MArket, market will bring in the coming 12 months. In coastal markets, the warmer seasons of Summer and Spring bring with them an influx of southern tourists to enjoy our surf breaks and their holiday homes. Clever sellers see this as a time to present their properties to the market and we have already seen a new smorgasbord of property enter the newspapers as sellers hope that buyers fresh with their new year’s resolution in mind are soon to walk through their front door. The month of February will be the largest around the county for Auctions as campaigns commencing in January come to a close, if you are a buyer then this a market not to miss.

So what will 2016 bring? History tells us that we on the Sunshine Coast are the last to see any market shift, both on the way down and the way up! We call it the east coast swing, as if a wave started in Melbourne and sweeps north up the coast. So while the southern markets of Sydney have reportedly peaked and now cooling, we still have some way to go. A key market to watch will be Brisbane. Locally, we seem to be 12 months behind our Queensland cousins and with their market still rising, sellers will continue to be the winners in 2016.

So while many of us head out this summer in search of a new gym membership to work off that Christmas feast or purchase that new home, it’s my view that it’s best to do it quick. This summer will offer buyers the best selection of property until maybe spring and like any growing market, it’s best to be in it then riding the wave and paying a premium later in the year.

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