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Changing Market Checklist

By Dan Sowden

Knowing how to tell whether the market is starting to change  – whether it’s trending up or down – can help purchasers determine how to go about their property search.

If the market is getting weaker, then they have more time to buy without seeing prices getting away from them. When it’s getting stronger, many wish they had tried to make up their minds sooner to avoid missing out or paying more. So what are the signs of a market on the move? 

Trending Up:

If the market is trending up (i.e prices are likely to rise), watch for:

  • Properties that have been on the market for a long time are selling.
  • Increased attendance at Open Houses.
  • Increased bidding at Auctions.
  • When you ring an agent about a property, you find they are already sold or if you ring back to make an offer you find that someone else has got there first.
  • Even really challenged properties are selling.
  • Sales at auction go above the reserve set by the vendors.
  • Gazumping is occurring.

Trending Down:

Conversely, purchasers can take their time if the following signs of a market slowdown leading to lower prices are occurring. Watch for:

  • Little interest at Open Houses
  • Many of the properties for sale have been on the market for a long time
  • Auctions have no buzz and bidding seems to proceed very slowly
  • Auction prices falling below reserves set by vendors
  • More properties passed in at Auction
  • Properties selling before Auction

Source: Local Property News.Net

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