Sell with Confidence
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Are We Back?

If you purchased a property in 2007/08 the chances are you paid good money. If you tried to sell your property over the past two years it is unlikely you got your money back; in fact the chances are you probably had to accept a loss.

If you speak to a wide range or agents, valuers and property experts you’ll notice a change. Most people are now suggesting we are at similar levels to those achieved in 2007/08 particularly for property less than $700,000. It’s great news for our once ailing property market and much more pleasing for those who need to sell a property.

Of course, I’ll stand by my word. You will make more money in real estate if you chose when to sell your property and not when you are forced to sell your property. Some may strike it lucky and be forced to sell when the market is great but the previous two years should be a vivid reminder of the dangers of selling when you are forced to.

That is my opinion from where I sit but I’m always eager to hear your opinion.

Thanks again for the continuing support, Jason Mills

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