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A New $5B City Is Coming To The Coast

South East Queensland’s newest city, Aura by Stockland, is a $5 billion venture that spreads along the Bruce Highway from Bells Creek Road north to Caloundra. Stockland claim that Aura will be a city designed for every facet of life.

In the north is the Caloundra Raceway, to the east is the sensitive Pumicestone Passage and to the south are cattle farms and pine plantations.The Bruce Highway marks the western border of the 2360 hectare city.

Aura, Caloundra South At a Glance: 

  • 20,000 homes over 30 years
  • begins close to Caloundra – near the existing Stockland suburb of Bells Reach – and spreads south over 30 years
  • of the 2360 hectares, 700 hectares will be replanted as a conservation zone
  • Stockland has agreed to build a new road from Caloundra Rd to the Bruce Highway
  • Stockland estimates 1700 jobs in the first year and 18,500 over the first 10 years
  • by 2023 it will have a city centre and an urban parkland like Brisbane’s South Bank
  • a state government rail corridor from Caboolture is protected and preserved;
  • two sets of infrastructure agreements set out what the Queensland Government, the Sunshine Coast Regional Council and Stocklands will contribute
  • 25 education places; schools, pre-schools and education centres
  • 20 community facilities;
  • Stockland will put forward $1.3 billion towards roads, parks and 200 km of cycleways

Deputy premier Jackie Trad said “We are witnessing the birth of a new city. One of the largest master-planned communities in Australia, but also the largest in single ownership (Stocklands).”

“There is no doubt this will change the landscape of the Sunshine Coast forever.”

Aura has a strong environmental pitch with rainwater harvesting and vegetation sifting and treating water before it enters the Pumicetone Passage.

Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson revealed the final agreement to resolve a rumoured $500 million shortfall for Sunshine Coast residents was signed two hours before Thursday’s announcement. “We can look our ratepayers in the eye and say this is not going to cost you anything,” Cr Jamieson said.

“In fact it is going to enhance this region in terms of job opportunities, in terms of affordable housing and in terms of choice in liveability.”

Cr Jamieson said – of the $500 million shortfall that senior council staff identified – $200 million would now be covered by new state government infrastructure charges, $55 million for the new East-West Arterial Road would be financed by the state government; $158 million would be covered by legislation to convert future infrastructure charges. He said Stockland had also agreed to cover roads, parks, pedestrian walkways, 200 km of cycleways and rebuilding the conservation zone near Pumicestone Passage. They will also provide a sinking fund to cover maintenance of the lake and rainwater harvesting and $17 million for clubhouses and recreation centres.

Stockland general manager Kingsley Andrew said the development included rainwater harvesting design and compulsory water tanks for every home.

The impact on Pumiectone Passage water quality – now rated C-plus by Healthy Waterways – will be monitored and reported monthly to the state government, Mr Andrew said, in response to earlier criticism by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council.

Ms Trad said Caloundra South was an “excellent example of collaboration” to provide affordable and sustainable modern housing in one of Queensland’s fastest-growing areas.

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